Film Narnia Movie Begins With
The movie begins with a bombing during the Blitz in London. The children are separated from their mother, which could upset some younger audience members.
A witch yells at a young boy, chains him in prison, and stabs him. She also abuses her servant, stabs her enemies with a sword that turns them to stone, martyrs the lion, and leads troops into battle. The children learn to fight, then engage in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting one sister shoots an enemy with an arrow. After Disney's series of big-budget film adaptations of Narnia slowly lost steam over the course of a decade, Netflix bought the rights to the franchise wholesale. Netflix's Chronicles of Narnia promises to be a new take on the books and is not going to be related to the earlier films in any way. Lewis wrote and published The Chronicles of.
Although the movie skips over some of the Christian symbolism from the book and changes the plot to be more dramatic and cohesive, much of the symbolism is still there. While not overt, the movie includes Christian imagery (a martyred, Christlike lion, a rebirth from magic water) and allegorical storylines.Walden Media has revealed that the movie Narnia 4 will actually be based on 'The Magicians Nephew' and not on 'The Silver Chair'. The Magicians Nephew is actually a prequel to the first opus of the Chronicles of Narnia ('The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe').

There the other children don’tBelieve her tale, until the rest of the children also have to hide in theWardrobe one day, and discover Narnia for themselves.They become reluctant heroes, taking on theMantle of the prophesied children, and meet Aslan, (voiced by Liam Neeson) theReal lion King of Narnia. However Tumnus is too good to turn LucyIn, and helps her escape back to her family. The White Witch fears an old prophecy which states that fourHuman children will come to the land and overturn her rule, thus has decreedThat any human being must be captured. Tumnus (James McAvoy), a faunWith a man’s face and horse’s feet, who befriends her and takes her back to hisHowever Tumnus is supposed to kidnap Lucy andHand her over to the Wicked White Witch who has bewitched Narnia, leaving it inA state of perpetual winter for the past 100 years, turning many of itsOccupants to ice. One day theChildren are playing hide and seek when Lucy discovers a large wardrobe, aPerfect place to hide! But when she enters it she finds herself in the frozen,Beautiful land of Narnia.
Wolves are sent to find the other childrenAnd they break viciously into the Beavers’ home where they are hiding.Children is attacked by a wolf, picked up in its mouth and tossed to the The dwarf leads Edmund to a dungeon with a The White Witch’s guard, a dwarf, jumps onJumps on Edmund knocking him to the ground. Repeated exposure also increases the risks that children will become desensitised to the use of violence in real life or develop an exaggerated view about the prevalence and likelihood of violence in their own world.Although there is no blood or gore shown,There is a high level of fantasy violence in this movie, including the
He does this by smashing the chains with aLarge hammer hurting his feet so he’s unable to walk. An evil looking guard is told to releaseTumnus who is also held in chains. The dwarf knocks Edmund back to the ground.

Lucy sees creatures dancing in a fireplace The wickedCreatures however are all very scary, evil looking beasts resembling the Orcs The land of Narnia is a magical wonderlandFilled with half humans / half beasts, and all of the animals talk. The children are all evacuated from LondonIn an emotional scene showing them being separated from their mother and PeterGiven the responsibility of looking after all his siblings.McCready could both be quite scary for very young children. The Pevensie familyIs shown trying to reach a bomb shelter, and the children are all terrified andScreaming, Edmund goes back to the house to get a picture of his father and is
ThenA huge wall of ice collapses on them and they almost drown, all just managing TheLake starts to crack up and the children have to tread warily as they go. The children cross a huge frozen lake.
the children are given weapons as presentsFrom Father Christmas: Lucy a knife in a sheath, Susan a quiver of arrows and a Product placementNone of concern Nudity and sexual activityWitch and the Wardrobe is a good versus evil battle in which good finallyOpportunity to discuss with their children some aspects, such as: Edmund is badly injured in the last battle,Fighting and gasping for breath before Lucy saves him with her magic potion.Children over the age of thirteen are most likely to be frightened by realistic physical harm or threats, molestation or sexual assault and / or threats from aliens or the occult.Children over the age of thirteen could stillFind some scenes upsetting, such as the realistic physical harm, the threats toThe children and the death of Aslan.